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Cosplay contact lenses

Adding contact lenses to your cosplay is a great way to enhance the costume and go the extra mile. It can add some really great effects to every character, and I highly suggest it. Buying lenses can seem formidable if you’re not familiar with it, so here are some tips from my experience.

Where should I buy them?

There are infinite places that sell contact lenses of all sorts, but remember that buying lenses isn’t like buying clothes or props. They are considered medical, and you have to be careful about the lenses you use. Incorrectly fitting and/or cheap lenses can actually damage your eyes permanently. I would compare it to getting plastic surgery in a foreign country. Sure, it may be cheaper, but you really don’t know what you’re getting, and it can actually effect your health.

The two places I personally know about are pinkyparadise and exotic lenses. I have never personally used pinkyparadise, but they are a very well known brand. Unfortunately, they stopped shipping to the US and Korea. The other brand is exotic lenses. This is where I have gotten all of my lenses. They are based in the US, are FDA approved, and they actually check with your doctor to confirm a prescription. Note they don’t have circle lenses. They are much pricier, but if you want to be extra safe and sure (and also have better shipping time), I recommend it.

How do I choose my lenses?

The easy answer is: do research! Look at references for your character, and decide what kind of effect you want your lenses to have, whether it be circle lenses, colored lenses, UV lenses, sclera lenses, etc. Of course, the websites of all contact sellers will have a gallery to choose from.

I also recommend looking up reviews of specific lenses, especially if you haven’t used that kind before. You can sometimes find reviews under the product on the website (like the format of Amazon), but if you just google reviews for the company you should be able to find them. Always being more knowledgeable about the product you want to get is better.

If you have any questions at all, always contact the company and ask. If they have really poor customer service or don’t respond, maybe don’t order from them at all…

What do I need?

You only need four things!

1. The lenses

2. A lens case: your contacts should come with some, but if not they are super easy to get. Even the bottle of contact solution might come with some! Or you can get super cute ones off amazon or something.

3. Lens solution. Any drugstore of any kind should sell some. Regular contact lenses use the same solution as costume lenses. You can get a Costco pack or bottles in any size.

4. Your fingers! Hopefully you have some of these!

How do I put them in?

This is the hard part. Basically, take the lens out of the case, hold it (make sure it’s not flipped inside out) on the tip of your forefinger, hold your top and bottom lid open with one hand and put the lens in with the other. If you drop the lens, no problem, pick it up and in your palm, ‘wash’ it with some contact solution. Your lenses should never touch water.

However, easier said than done. I have regular prescription lenses so this is a very easy process for me, but really what you need to do is practice. ALWAYS PRACTICE PUTTING YOUR LENSES IN BEFOREHAND. I’ve had friends that literally took an hour to put their lenses in on the day of a convention, and that was a monumental waste of time. The more you get used to it the easier it will become. Most costume lenses have unlimited uses for a year, so don’t worry about over using them if you want to practice.

Also to note, there isn’t one good way to put them in. It takes some figuring out what works for you, so if you’re really stuck maybe try looking at some pictures or videos. You will have to touch your eyeball.

Caring for your lenses

This part is pretty easy. Don’t sleep in them, don’t shower in them, and don’t leave them out. If they’re not on your eyeball, they should be in their case with clean solution. Put clean solution in the case for every use, and if you want to keep them extra fresh for the year, about once a month change the solution if you aren’t using them.

If you accidentally slept or showered with them or if they’re just hard to get out, just put in some eye drops and try again to take them out. ALWAYS HAVE EYE DROPS, and use them frequently.

Again, if you have questions, you can always contact wherever you bought them from.

You did it! Now you’re an expert.

Other notes

If you’re not getting ‘costume’ lenses and you’re just getting colored lenses (for everyday use, natural looking colors etc.) I suggest going through your eye doctor. They will have safe, professional companies they use, can make prescription lenses, and will be able to work with you every step of the way. Of course, going this route will be more expensive, but depending on what insurance you have you might be able to get help, and this is better if you want natural, every day lenses.

Hopefully this helps!!!! Happy hunting!!!

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